GSK interactive campaign
The golden idea for COPD initiatives
How can we get healthcare professionals more involved in the development of new initiatives for COPD patients? GSK wanted to meet with doctors to discuss how they could help each other.
Don’t use a push strategy – but identify with the doctors. Give them a platform on which they can express their needs, like how they could improve the help they give their patients. Working together with GSK, ValueProof developed the campaign: ‘The Golden Idea for COPD’. A website about exacerbation management, where healthcare professionals were invited to submit ideas. Website users could vote for these ideas. Each year, the winning idea was chosen by the users and a jury, and then further developed for application.
Many healthcare professionals got involved, and this led to fruitful collaborations with GSK. The website attracted thousands of visitors every year, and the ideas submitted were of very high quality. A huge number of votes were cast and a lung charity received donations from GSK based on website user interaction.
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Wendy Böhm