ADHD in practice
Medice is market leader in ADHD drugs in Germany. The company was searching for insights into the primary care process for ADHD patients in the Netherlands: what happens from the moment a doctor writes a prescription to the first time a patient takes their ADHD medication? The brief they gave ValueProof was to organize a roundtable session with doctors in general practice and practice nurses. Medice hoped to use insights gained from the session to tailor its ADHD product positioning to general practitioners.
The discussion with GPs and nurses helped ValueProof to map the ‘patient journey’. It became clear that most doctors would find best practices useful, so they could treat their patients themselves, rather than having to refer them to secondary care. So ValueProof and Medice developed a platform for and by general practitioners, telling their success stories: ‘ADHD in practice’.
A number of GPs were interviewed by ValueProof and these stories are now being shared with other doctors on the platform. ValueProof is currently looking into more ways to use the platform, together with the Medice sales team. It is important to Medice that the platform remains an independent forum.
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Wendy Böhm