+31 (0)6 40 15 21 53 info@valueproof.nl

ValueProof Consultancy

Our own 6C method is a practical, results-led consultancy model with six steps that help you create a successful multichannel approach. Together with your team, because we believe in the power of your people. How we do it? We usually hold pressure cooker sessions. Working together for a short time to design breakthroughs and come up with solutions. We also believe in the synergy of business, marketing and sales. That’s why we always search for the common ground between these units and disciplines. And we find it – within the client’s team and among our own consultants.

Six steps to better results

Whether we work with the whole 6C model, or just parts of it, depends on your specific needs. Here are all six steps:

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Value based sales

Hoya Vision lenses for glasses

Promotional campaign


Online strategy

Hirschmann Multimedia

Digitale strategy


Closed loop marketing

Friso Baby food, by Hero